1* Edford Davis Pension (Declaration) Bill 2019
(Honourable Prime Minister/Minister of Public Sector)

1st Reading
2.* The Drug (Prevention of Misuse) (Amendment) Bill, 2019

(Honourable Prime Minister/Minister of National Security) 
Select Committee Report
3.* Child Justice Bill, 2019
(Hon. Frederick Stephenson/Minister of Social Development) 

Select Committee
Clerk of the House

Tel: (784) 451-2494/457-1872

PBX: (784) 456-1111/5320100 ext: 4745/4746

Fax: (784) 457-1825

Email: parliament.hoa@gov.vc or clerk.hoa@gov.vc


House of Assembly

Temporary Parliament Building


Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:15 pm
Saturday - Sunday