To be moved by the Honourable Camillo Gonsalves, Minister of Finance.
WHEREAS section 70(1) of the Constitution of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines provides that the Minister for the time being responsible for finance shall cause to be prepared and laid before the House of Assembly before, or not later than thirty days after, the commencement of each financial year estimates of the revenues and expenditure of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines for that financial year;
AND WHEREAS section 70 (2) of the Constitution provides for the approval of the Estimates of expenditure by the House;
AND WHEREAS the Government had additionally decided to prepare Estimates on a triennial basis:
BE IT RESOLVED, that this Honourable House of Assembly do adopt the Estimates for the financial year ending 31st December, 2019;
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Honourable House note the projections for the financial years ending 31st December, 2020 and 31st December, 2021.