Appointment of the Public Accounts Committee 2024

Government Members

The Honourable Saboto Caesar - Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries Rural Transformation, Industry and Labour

The Honourable Frederick Stephenson – Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Consumer Affairs

The Honourable Camillo Gonnsalves - Minister of Finance, Economic Planning, and Information

The Honourable Carlos James – Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Sustainable Development and Culture

The Honourable Keisal Peters – Minister of National Mobilisation, Social Development, Family, Gender Affairs and Persons with Disabilities 

The Honourable Grenville T Williams – Attorney General

Opposition Members

Dr. the Honourable Godwin Friday – Member for the Northern Grenadines, Chairman

The Honourable St Claire Leacock- Member for Central Kingstown

The Honourable Fitzgerald Bramble- Member for East Kingstown

The Honourable Shevern John – Opposition Senator

Clerk of the House

Tel: (784) 451-2494/457-1872

PBX: (784) 456-1111/5320100 ext: 4745/4746

Fax: (784) 457-1825

Email: or


House of Assembly

Temporary Parliament Building


Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:15 pm
Saturday - Sunday