Ivy Joshua

Member for North Windward – 3rd October, 1957
Member for North Windward: 15/9/1966-8/2/1972
Member for North Windward, Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Housing: 4th May, 1972 – 9th May, 1974
Member for North Windward, Leader of the Opposition: 1977 - 27th October, 1979
People’s Political Party: 1957-1979

Valcina Agatha Ash

Senator: 27th October, 1979
Government Senator: 27th December, 1979- 15th September, 1983
Member for Central Leeward: 10th November, 1983- 12th April, 1984
St. Vincent Labour Party: 1979-1989

Yvonne Gibson

West St. George, Minister of State/Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,
Youth and Women’s Affairs: 13th June, 1989 – 13th January, 1994
Minister of Health and the Environment: 21st March, 1994 – 18th December, 1997
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office: 12th February, 1998 – 12th March, 1998
New Democratic Party: 1989-1998

Mary Hutchinson

Government Senator: 23rd August, 1984 – 5th March, 1987
Government Senator/Deputy Speaker: 23rd June, 1987 – 3rd June, 1991
New Democratic Party: 1989 - 1991

Stephanie Browne

Government Senator: 31st August, 1989 – 3rd June, 1991
Member for Southern Grenadines: 13th June, 1991 – 15th January, 1992
Parliamentary Secretary/Prime Minister’s Office/Ministry of Finance: 16th April, 1992- 17th December, 1992
Parliamentary Secretary/Ministry of Health and the Environment: 25th May, 1993 – 13th January, 1994
Minister of State/Ministry of Communications and Works: 21st March, 1994 – 16th December, 1994
Minister of State/Prime Minister’s Office: 26th January, 1995- 18th December, 1997
Minister of Health and the Environment: 12th February, 1998 – 12th March, 1998
New Democratic Party: 1994- 1998


Giryln Miguel

Member for Marriaqua: 1998-2015
Minister of Social Development, Co-operatives,
The Family, Gender and Ecclesiastical Affairs: 17th April, 2001 – 16th January, 2003
Minister of Agriculture, Lands and Fisheries: 20th February, 2003 – 3 November, 2005
Minister of Education: 29th December, 2005 – 9th November, 2010
Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Education: 29th December, 2010- 19th October, 2015
Unity Labour Party: 1998-2015

Carla Dougan-Bacchus: 2000

Government Senator/Deputy Speaker: 1st February, 2000-20th October, 2000
New Democratic Party: 2000

Rene Baptiste

West Kingstown, Minister of Tourism and Culture: 17th April, 2001 – 9th November, 2009
Ministry of Urban Development, Culture, Labour and Electoral Matters: 29th December, 2005 - 9th November, 2010
Unity Labour Party: 2001- 2010

Juliet George

Government Senator: 17th April, 2001 – 16th January, 2003
Deputy Speaker: 20th February, 2003 – 3rd November, 2005
Unity Labour Party: 2001-2005

Andrea Young

Government Senator: 17th April, 2001 – 6th December, 2002
Deputy Speaker: 16th January, 2003
Unity Labour Party: 2001-2003

Vynette Frederick

Opposition Senator: 20th January, 2011- 19th October, 2015
New Democratic Party: 2011-2015

Anesia Baptiste

Opposition Senator: 29th December, 2010 – 28th February, 2012
New Democratic Party: 2010-2012

Rochelle Forde

Government Senator/Deputy Speaker: 29th December, 2005 – 29th January, 2010
Unity Labour Party: 2005-2010

Michelle Fife

Government Senator/Parliamentary Secretary
Prime Minister’s Office: 19th January, 2010 – 9th November, 2010
Unity Labour Party: 2010

Deborah Charles

Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Education, National Reconciliation
and Ecclesiastical Affairs: 29th December, 2015
Unity Labour Party 2015-2020

Marcia Sherlon Barnwell

Opposition Senator: 29 the December, 2015
New Democratic Party 2015-2019

Kay Bacchus-Baptiste

Opposition Senator: 29th January, 2018
New Democratic Party 2018-2020

Dr Mineva Cecelia Glasgow

Deputy Speaker
Government Senator: March 26th 2020
Unity Labour Party 2020

Rochelle Forde

Government Senator/Deputy Speaker: 29th December, 2005 – 29th January, 2010
Unity Labour Party: 2005-2010
Speaker of the Assembly
November 30th 2020 to present

Keisal Peters

Government Senator: November 30th, 2020
Minister of National Mobilisation, Social Development, 
Family, Gender Affairs and Persons with Disabilities

Ashelle Morgan

Government Senator/ Deputy Speaker: November 30th, 2020
Unity Labour Party: 2020 to present

Shevern John

Opposition Senator-November 30th, 2020
New Democratic Party 2020 to present

Clerk of the House

Tel: (784) 451-2494/457-1872

PBX: (784) 456-1111/5320100 ext: 4745/4746

Fax: (784) 457-1825

Email: parliament.hoa@gov.vc or clerk.hoa@gov.vc


House of Assembly

Temporary Parliament Building


Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:15 pm
Saturday - Sunday